Dead Fantasy

Dead Fantasy, a koOl cat fight series put into one mini-movie.

Dead Fantasy is series of CGI battle-royale style short action movies starring characters from Final Fantasy, Dead or Alive, Kingdom Hearts, and Ninja Gaiden.

Mowre infow @

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Live Cooking Demos

Attended the first live & real cooking demonstration in my life, this time at Taste of Dubai in DMC, on March 16th 2012.

First Live Cooking Demos - Taste of Dubai

Especially liked the demo by Jason Vale (The JuiceMaster), who makes juiced veggies an essential part of his life, and by doing so, claimed to have lost the title “fat flaky boy” cause the juice not only made him loose loads of weight, but rid of his skin allergy. Juiced veggies (without any sweetners) taste sow good, even kids loved it 8D

There were loads of delish samples from fresh veggie juice, energy / relaxation drinks, bread dips (pestos, oils), flavored nuts, flavored grape juice, chips (like falafel chips!), oat cookies, cheese (e.g. flavored Lavachkiri’s), instant meals, etc.

The paid food & beverage was sow darn expensive, at 3-4 times the regular price due to the small portions 😯 One interesting dish was the Broccoli Pot, which is a basically broccoli pudding (not too sweet or creamy) 8]

The only real bummer was the cooking class queues. Those were around 30 to 45 minutes long, and one had to stand in them for the entire duration without reserving space for anyone. What happened for me was I was waiting in queue with a friend for around 20 minutes until a second friend arrived. I had to escort him in from the entrance so when I came back I went back into the queue where my first friend was standing.

When the group behind me noticed our size increase, they complained to the staff. Soon after the staff refused to have another person added to the group, I left the queue just to realize that my first friend actually left on an emergency call without telling me, and we lost the whole spot anyway 8/

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MoWrOw’s News&Funz BLARG!!! (TM)
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Finger Flashing Epidemic!!!

There’s a new (well since March 5th) epidemic in the UAE, and it is serious!!! A Finger Flashing Epidemic!!!


All reports were made by police officers (mostly in civilian clothing), and none of the defendants jailed yet, though one has been charged for 6 months (also for driving dangerously) but has been acquitted.

2 were forgiven (sincere apology, insufficient evidence), and 2 are still being investigated (1 claimed that finger was itchy, the other claimed that if done then would have been with left finger since the plaintiff was on the left).

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MoWrOw’s News&Funz BLARG!!! (TM)
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Muay Boran Fights

Muay Boran (traditional Muay Thai) fighting is done without any padding, and points are basically based on technique, acting, and culture.

And here be my fave technique demow of all time:

I actually participated in a Muay Boran demo myself once 8D Here be linky:!/media/set/?set=a.10150918141619051.426252.500229050&type=3


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